Baby and Toddler Group
St John’s Toddlers is a popular drop in Parent/Carer and Toddlers Group for children aged three and under. You can find us in the Parish Centre on Tuesday mornings between 10.00 and 11.30 in term time. Join us for free play, snack time, craft activities and songtime. There is no need to pre-book so come along any week.
FOCUS Youth Group
Meets on the 1st & 3rd Sundays in term time at 6.30pm. A mainly social time for secondary school aged young people with a Christian focus.
For further information about any of these activities please contact Reverend Ken Hobbs. Email: Alternatively contact the church office. Email: or phone 020 8786 7048. Please note the office is only open on Wednesday and Friday mornings.
In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding Policy our church is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of everyone within our community.