Worship for Everyone at 11am
Worship for Everyone is a relaxed and informal style of church service. Come and join us for a coffee and chat beforehand. If you have children, don’t worry about them making some noise or moving around. We’ll do some ‘all age’ worship together before the children focus on their own fun stuff and allow the adults to enjoy what is sometimes known as ‘contemporary worship’.
Contemporary Worship – What Does that Mean?
There will be worship songs, videos, a talk and a time to reflect and pray to the God who loves us. Perhaps, most of all, ‘contemporary’ means relevant to our lives today, so we’ll address some of life’s big questions from a Christian perspective.
At the 11am service, we sing contemporary worship songs, there is less liturgy and we make greater use of the large screens to show videos and slides. In general, the service is more informal. We also have provision for children who leave the main service to do age-appropriate supervised activities with our children’s workers.
Holy Communion at 9.30am
The 9.30am is a traditional Holy Communion style service and is more quiet and reflective. The songs we sing are mostly traditional hymns and every week we share Communion, that is the bread (a wafer) and sip of wine* that represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The 9.30am service is also live streamed via Zoom (Stoneleigh.tv) for those who cannot attend physically.
*gluten-free wafers and alcohol-free wine are available